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Private Transport Service

Hiring a Private Transport Service for Better Senior Resident Care


If your facility manages a number of senior or disabled residents, hiring a private transport service can help. Seniors often need to travel, but they may not feel comfortable using public transportation. If they have unique medical needs or mobility issues, a bus line may be dangerous.


Hiring a private transport service offers them an easy option for their medical appointments, chores, and social visits. A transport service can take your seniors to grocery stores on a scheduled basis, bring them to parks and other recreational areas, and ensure that they get to all their appointments.


As an added feature for a facility, a transport service reduces internal costs. Rather than staff members having to pull themselves away for driving tasks, the transport service can handle everything on your behalf. A contracted transport service will already have all the equipment that is needed, including ramps and other mobility features. Contact us today to find out more about the benefits of a private service.

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